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our musings
Starting with WHY: the new Kinesis website

Starting with WHY: the new Kinesis website

Over the last two years, Kinesis has radically changed our business model and the way we work with our clients. As a result of our transformation, our old website no longer reflected our company. It provided a lot of information about Kinesis as a creative firm, but said nothing about what we believe in.

The new website is a manifestation of the herculean efforts of our entire team to showcase our Why. We have actually woven our core values into the top-tier of the navigation: Think Big, Build to Last, Share the Good, and Do the Right Thing aren’t just slogans on the wall….they’re a fundamental part of our business culture and brand experience.

Since starting Kinesis in 2000, Shawn Busse and I have shared a core philosophy: the current marketing paradigm doesn’t work. So, we decided to do something different that actually succeeds at consistently growing our clients’ companies. We call our system Growth-Based Marketing – a system that combines strategy, execution, and accountability for motivated company leaders.

We invite you to take a tour of our new website, get a feel for who we are and why we exist.

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