More of our musings

The currency of trust

You own a business, run a business, lead a business, or work in a business. That means that you hear a lot about money. The pressure is constantly on us all for more sales, more revenue, more profit, more production. We’re all obsessed with money. Money helps our business grow. And that’s all well and good. […]

What can I do?

All too often, we look to others to change, to fix, to improve, to adjust, to elevate their game, to help us. We wait, we hope, and we often feel stressed and frustrated because it just ain’t happening. What if – starting today – you stopped waiting for others and simply asked yourself, “What can […]

The power of a simple "Great job!"

Here’s a simple marketing strategy: recognize your people for their efforts. Say “Great job!” or “Well done!” or “Nice work” or “Thank you!” to your employees when they do a good job, when they demonstrate mastery of a skill, when they try something new, when they mentor someone else, when they show up early to work, when […]

Are you doing the wrong things?

As a leader, is your entire workday spent doing things that are the highest and best use of your time? Are you continuously focused on the activities that bring the best ROI? To help your business become more profitable, get in the habit of asking yourself two questions: “Is what I’m doing right now the highest […]


The sweeping power of purpose

Recently, I was reading a 2014 Deloitte study of organizations with a highly-engaged workforce. And I was struck by a story they told. It is an incredible showcase for the power of an organization’s purpose (what Simon Sinek calls your Why). In the study, researchers found that companies with highly-engaged employees emphasize a core purpose that does not […]

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quantum leap.

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