

The sweeping power of purpose

Recently, I was reading a 2014 Deloitte study of organizations with a highly-engaged workforce. And I was struck by a story they told. It is an incredible showcase for the power of an organization’s purpose (what Simon Sinek calls your Why). In the study, researchers found that companies with highly-engaged employees emphasize a core purpose that does not […]


Your values, mission, & vision in play

You’re pumped. You’re fired-up. You’re feeling awesome. You just landed on a powerful set of values, crystal-clear mission, and a Big-Hairy-Audacious-Goal (or big vision) equivalent to climbing Mt. Everest. You can’t wait to start using these core elements to lead your team, build a culture of A-players, and create a customer base of raving fans. […]


10 ways to grow your business

It’s a question that companies in all industries, of all sizes ask: what are the best ways for me to grow my business? And, when you are trying to grow your company, it’s easy to put all of your focus on bringing in new leads. However, there are actually a lot of things that you already have in place that can help you […]


How to discover your company’s core purpose

“Core purpose” – it’s been identified by the most influential business authorities of our time as one of the key ingredients for a high-performing organization. Jim Collins and Jerry Poras, authors of the innovative business classic Built to Last, embarked upon a 6-year study of truly exceptional companies that have prospered over the long term, including […]