To begin this process, start by asking yourself the following questions.
Are you tracking the right marketing metrics?
Part of not being the best-kept secret anymore means getting the word out – and one way to measure the success of that effort is to track performance via marketing metrics. However, marketing metrics are a flighty temptress – be careful not to become wrapped up in the wrong ones. Identify clear goals for your marketing activity, and measure, measure, measure.
(Pssst: Not sure what the right metrics are? Check out our blog post on how to tie marketing to business performance.)
Have you grown your network of referrers?
Word of mouth marketing is probably one of your greatest sources of new business, but has that activity been sporadic up until this point? If so, there may be opportunities to formalize and systematize your referral program to encourage even more word of mouth. Take another look at your referrer network and consider targeting, messaging, and nurturing them more thoughtfully.
(Pssst: To learn more about how to harness the power of referrals, read how to create a referral program that works.)
How successful are your recruitment efforts?
As we mentioned, one of the hallmarks of this problem is an internal culture that seems incredible from the inside, but is totally invisible on the outside. If the secret you’re keeping is hampering your recruitment efforts, it’s time to make a change. Look for ways to re-energize your recruiting program so that prospective candidates know how great it would be to work for you.
(Pssst: Need help knowing where to start? Take a look at this article about how to recruit and retain the best of the best employees.)
Do you have a strong value proposition?
The first step to sharing a secret is to know the secret. You should be able to confidently answer the question, “Why would your ideal customer purchase from you rather than your competition?” Your competitive differentiation is the combined elements of your company’s signature approach that make you unique and remarkable – and here’s a hint: great customer service or on-time delivery is not remarkable. Think about what sets you apart, and then be ready to shout it from the rooftops.
(Pssst: For tips on how to begin thinking about your value proposition, we wrote this helpful guide.)
Does your brand tell a story?
Help prospective clients understand what you do, who you are, and what you stand for. One way to do this is by using one of our most fundamental communication methods: storytelling. Tying your brand to a story acts like a mental shorthand, helping people connect your company to something they already understand and trust.
(Pssst: Storytelling is one of our favorite marketing tools at Kinesis. Find out why.)
The takeaway
While this problem is a pervasive one among many small businesses, the good news is that it’s entirely fixable. If your business has made it this far, it’s probably because you’re doing something worth sharing – congratulations!
Now, with the right preparation and resources, you can take your organization from the best-kept secret to the next best thing.