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Marketing and Employees: Bad Apples

Ever wonder if that old axiom holds true – that a rotten apple spoils the barrel? Surprise surprise! Not only is this true on the farm, but it’s also the case in business. And, it’s costing you money. Read on to see exactly how much Bad Apples cost your marketing, your morale, and your profits


Marketing with WOW: Employee Brand Ambassadors

News Flash for Business Owners: Your employees are your most under-utilized, leverageable and accessible asset in your company. Every day, your employees interact with people on the phone, at meetings, in the halls, and on their computer. When they leave your facility, they go to stores, restaurants, gyms, banks, and bars. They call, text, post, […]


How CEOs, Owners, and Executives can Develop a Personal Brand: Part 2

In Part I of this series, we discussed how personal branding can help build your company. The truth is, personal brands of you, your leadership, and even your team, communicate essential information about your business to prospects, referrers, investors, potential candidates, and your staff. It’s essential for your leaders to establish a positive, knowledgeable personal […]

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