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Photography Pays for Itself
Kinesis Marketing & Business Strategy Workshop - Jeff Wester

Photography Pays for Itself

Over the years I've observed that one of the most critical elements in design is effective photography. When I say "effective," I'm actually referring to several aspects such as:

  • The photo conveys a sense of competence and professionalism
  • The photo conveys the right tone for the business
  • The photo feels unique/individual

For today's post, I'm going to talk about the first requirement: professionalism. In the coming weeks, I'll address tone and individuality.


Most of us know the difference between a good photo and a bad photo. Unfortunately, many business owners don't realize that the bar for "good" photography in business is much higher than their family photo album.

Here's an example from a recent photo shoot for our client, Delap. Managing partner Dave Delap looks professional, relaxed, and approachable. Natural lighting and a great wardrobe complete the picture.


Now contrast this great photo with Dave's portrait from a couple of years back.


The difference isn't Dave - it's the photographer (Colleen Cahill, in this example).  Good photography captures the essence of the person and shows them in the best possible light. It doesn't matter if you have a 99 million megapixel camera. Good photography depends on the right person behind the camera.

Certainly lighting and studio conditions make a difference. However, some of my favorite photographers make do with little more than natural light and a reflector. They don't depend on technology and gadgets for great images.

In later posts, I'll talk more about how to choose the right photographer for your project. Be it portraits, products, or landscapes, each type of photography will require a specific approach. Picking the right talent makes all the difference.

PS: Oregon has some of the best shooters in the country. Here are just a few of the talented studios we work with (thanks for all your great work!):

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