The Spark: Shoving the robotics industry into the 21st century
Loupe’s spark was Shuv — a proprietary offering enabling engineers to remotely push updates to any machine, from anywhere.
When writing an article about something that excites you – like your business – it’s easy to get carried away with verbiage.
Don’t do it!
Compelling blog posts require you to hold back the reins a bit on your passion. Most people want to read articles that are lively, tight, clear, and short. In addition, they should be optimized for search engines using key words and phrases.
(I will do many of the things in this blog post that I mention. So, notice how I weave in these tips.)
Here are my basic tips to help you write better business blog posts:
So, these are my top tips for great business blogging posts.
Do you have any of your own to add? Write them in the comments section below.
How to Write Great Business Blog Posts
When writing an article about something that excites you – like your business – it’s easy to get carried away with verbiage.
Don’t do it!
Compelling blog posts require you to hold back the reins a bit on your passion. Most people want to read articles that are lively, tight, clear, and short. In addition, they should be optimized for search engines using key words and phrases.
I will do many of the things in this blog post that I mention. So, notice how I weave in these tips.
Here are my basic tops to help you write better business blog posts:
·Forget most of English 101: Write in the way that people speak to each other. Start sentences with “and” or “but.” Don’t be afraid to break grammatical rules if it makes your writing more interesting. Like one-word sentences and expressions. Jeez.
·Be concise: Use short declarative sentences. Write paragraphs that are 1-3 sentences. Use simple sentence structure.
·Scanability: Make your posts easy to scan for information. Use subheadings, bullets, and bold text for emphasis.
·Add value, always: Before you hit publish, ask yourself “Am I adding value to my clients and other readers?”
·Calls to action: You took the time to write the post, make sure the darn thing is working for you. Add a call to action at the end. If you want people to comment, then ask your readers a question or for their feedback. You could also ask people to Like your Facebook page, Follow you on Twitter, Sign up for your e-newsletter, subscribe to your blog’s RSS feed, or call you for a consultation.
·Link to your internal pages: This is a great practice and you should do it at least a couple of times in every blog post. It drives your readers into your site to learn more. Search engines follow links too.
·Occasionally link to external pages: Some of your readers will want to learn more. So, link to the original source, especially if you are referencing a publication, newspaper, bios, blog, or other information resource.
·Write less. Aim at keeping your blog posts between 250-300 words. Go to 500 if you must, but try to keep it short.
·Create compelling blog post titles: Try to write blog post titles that include a key word or phrase and describe the things that people want to learn about your business and services. Ex: “How to Save Taxes,” “Why Writing for People Works for Search Engines,” “Five Ways to Save Money with Coupons.” If you want to learn more about SEO copywriting, here is a great free resource: SEO Copywriting Made Simple.
·Keep it light: You don’t want to get into in-depth discussions of the nuances of your services. That’s why people call you. Give them the overview and invite them to call you to learn more.
·Don’t take yourself too seriously: One of the most amazing things about blogging is its ability to develop relationships with your readers. So, be friendly and approachable. No pompous people need apply.
·Voice opinions:
How to Write Great Business Blog Posts
When writing an article about something that excites you – like your business – it’s easy to get carried away with verbiage.
Don’t do it!
Compelling blog posts require you to hold back the reins a bit on your passion. Most people want to read articles that are lively, tight, clear, and short. In addition, they should be optimized for search engines using key words and phrases.
I will do many of the things in this blog post that I mention. So, notice how I weave in these tips.
Here are my basic tops to help you write better business blog posts:
These are our top tips for great business blogging posts. Do you have any to add? Write them in the comments section below.
Don’t be bland. If you have an opinion, then express it. Feel free to be a contrarian (and link to the article or source that you are contradicting). This makes for great reading.
These are our top tips for great business blogging posts. Do you have any to add? Write them in the comments section below.
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